We're on the move...

After you read our final post here,catch up on our revamped blog at www.TheMillerSpot.com. See you soon!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Open for business!

So, I'm only about 3 weeks behind on this post, but given this is pretty much our life right now, I'd be remiss to deny you a mention of our up-and-running family business. Taste Cafe has been in the works for months and now, our doors are wide open for business. 

This is far from the final product... We still have lots of blank walls to fill and finishing touches (like an LCD for that wall mount over there...) to take care of, but in the meantime, enjoy the awesomeness of our creation. We did this from scratch and Kevin has poured his heart into this puppy from the word 'go.' I'm so proud of him. He is so great at what he does and I am the luckiest to have such a hardworking husband! 

Commercial kitchens are just the prettiest, aren't they?

Some 'detail' shots:


Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

It looks amazing! I've been wondering how things were going with that. I looooove those sinks in the bathroom! So, where is this place? I need to check it out!