We're on the move...

After you read our final post here,catch up on our revamped blog at www.TheMillerSpot.com. See you soon!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Though I don't have a ton of resolutions, I have a few big ones. One, is that I'll post here more often and post about things other than my beautiful son (although he is damn good material). This is a chronicle of my life and there really are things in that existence other than my kick-ass child. 

Having said that, I gotta say that 2009 is proving to be one filled with challenge for our little family of three. We have been blessed with overwhelmingly good luck throughout our years together so I know it's our time to face the obstacles and having had my share of them in the past, I know coming out on the other side always makes for a better human. In this case, two of them. Here's hoping we plow through them with grace, positivity, and happiness. Oh yes, and no worries on what this may or may not be about. And I better say that the dilemmas have nothing to do with husband and wife -- Kev & I are great. 

We welcome all good wishes and thoughts. Just your everyday generic positivity will suffice, thank you very much. In the meantime, we won't be crying over this (see below) .... Ha ha. 

Much love. 


Anonymous said...

Some day this will look like a very insignificant blip in a long life of awesome. I can't wait to see you guys Sunday.


Anonymous said...

We are here for you even if we are far away. I have no idea what is going on - that makes me sad that we are so far apart and I cannot help and be a part of it.