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Thursday, September 6, 2007

The third trimester begins!

I can't believe we're on the home stretch! I'm at 28 weeks--only 12 to go! GULP! Is that even possible? It's crazy how strong Riley's kicks and punches are. I'm just trying to imagine how much stronger they'll be in another month! He is my little Tae Kwon Do master. Kevin and I are starting the series of education classes tonight. First up: The Birth of Your Baby, Week 1. We have to bring pillows to this class, which means it's already my favorite.

Here are pics of the ever expanding belly. These are from week 27. I actually think I'm gaining most of my baby weight in my face, but I suppose Riley's probably getting some too. The covered belly shot is from my 30th birthday last week (YAY to thirties!). I got some really cool baby gear as presents. Something I never thought I would be so happy to receive...


not so zen momma said...

We dropped out of childbirth class!

Natasha said...

Kevin makes a blog appearance! I was beginning to think this was a Jodie Foster style baby.