We're on the move...

After you read our final post here,catch up on our revamped blog at www.TheMillerSpot.com. See you soon!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Is it weird that I said I would get four blog posts out in 2011? Yes, yes, it is.

2011 is a blur. And here we are at the beginning of another year -- 2012 -- beginning again. I'm revamping the blog...new look...changing things up a little. Honestly, I'm not even sure if anyone still checks this thing -- it's been nearly a YEAR. Pathetic!

But really the entire reason I started blogging way back in 2007 was to keep track of our lives. Half-scrapbook, half-yearbook. Share with our friends and family and let me remember what our baby (ies) liked to eat when, where we lived, etc. The blog will still be all of those things, basically the same info in a new format -- except I'm throwing in more house fun. It is a huge part of our life and it seemed weird to leave it out. If we aren't buying houses, selling houses, helping other people buy and sell houses, or renovating houses, we are moving, decorating, or doing one of a hundred other projects -- all house related. Houses are big with us -- and although I definitely want to remember all the family stuff, I also want to remember how it took us six months longer than we expected to finish our latest project (more on that later).

All of that to say, now our blog will be all of the above. And if we're lucky enough to have anyone along for the ride, that makes it even better!

Before we abandon this ship and board our new vessel, I feel maternally obligated to post all of Asher's monthly pictures -- poor little guy got stiffed big time. Second child syndrome, much?

Presenting, Asher -- the first year:

One Month
Two Months
Three Months
Four Months
Five Months
Six Months
Seven Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Ten Months
Eleven Months
One Year Old!

 Hope you'll join us on our new blog, when we get there, the address will be the same: www.TheMillerSpot.com. First post coming at you very, very soon.

Until then...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bound and determined to get the five month picture up before he's six months! So...here are the pictures from Asher's five-month photo shoot. Asher has rolled from belly to back, but only a few times and not so consistently. He just HATES being on his belly. Weighing in at 20lbs, it must be hard for him to roll. It's hard to carry him, I can tell you that. No sign of teeth yet, but he is loving the little amounts of rice cereal he's getting lately. Also, he's sleeping unswaddled--one of my favorite mom milestones with both boys!

Here's Riley at the same age:

Things are picking up steam around here! Closing on our latest flip very, very soon. Busy picking out finishes for our next flip (the one we're going to live in) and super duper busy being a Realtor. I'm showing houses, selling houses, and it's crazy fun. Although I'm learning that there are no days off. So much for my life of leisure... Wait, did I have that?

Here are some pictures from one of our blizzards...Gotta love Oklahoma! Riley is so much fun right now. He's so hilarious. Today, I was asking him what was wrong with a car that was in my way. His response? "Get off the phone and drive, people!" Awesome.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Asher: Four Months Old

Asher, Month Four

Not sure on weight/length right now, but you're easily wearing 6-12 month outfits and making mommy very sad that she bought all of those summer clothes in that size... You sleep like a champ and I can put you in bed wide-awake and you'll fall asleep--usually without a peep. In the morning, you wake up happy, but that quickly turns into FEED ME RIGHT NOW. We love you so much, Asher Boo.

  • Mommy (You are a real-deal momma's boy. Daddy tried to put you to bed the other night and you flipped. Must change this soon, but I love that you love me.)
  • Your swing. Riley never loved the swing, but man, you will fall asleep in there in a second.
  • Toys! You've discovered your hands and then realized you could do things with them. We love watching you grab at brightly colored toys and chewing them like mad. 
  • Milk. (Not that you have a lot of choice...you're still on a mom-only diet, but solids are a doctor's checkup away and we know you'll be loving them!)
  • Bibs. Okay, I don't know if you love them, but we do. They keep your shirts from getting soaked from all that drool and spit-up that's a constant with you.
  • Tummy time. Nope, you hate it. Riley was rolling over by two months but you just kind of float there like a big chunky Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade float. I know you would roll if you didn't weigh so much!
  • Baths. Funny thing about you... You don't dislike a lot and you rarely get upset, but when you are upset, you show it. Alot. And baths....well, we think if you had the means you would stab us in the face. You are not a fan. 
  • That's honestly all I can think of. You are the easiest baby I've ever met. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Asher v. Riley: Playing Catch-Up

Let's get back on track here with the baby pictures...and the comparisons. Honestly, I feel a little bad that I'm always comparing Riley and Asher, but I can't help it. It's more fun than anything to try and remember what Riley was doing at the same point in time. I'm sure I'm probably ruining them somehow by not letting them be their own people, but I'll likely scar them irreparably anyway so I might as well start young and get it over with!

Okay, so without further delay. The first four months of Asher's life...combined with the first four of Riley's:





Yes, they are definitely brothers!

Beginning, again.

It's a new year! So here I am with what will probably be one of four posts I'll manage to get out in 2011. There was no exciting "blog more" resolution so sad-to-say I'm not going to make some crazy proclamations about how well I'll do at updates. BUT, I have to keep chugging along. One of my favorite things to do is to look back at the early posts from 2007 and see how things were and where we were and what house we lived in. Now, it's a quick picture and our lives in bullet points. Way too busy living life to write about it!

Everything is fast these days... we have a four-month-old. Wow. He's a third of a year old! Too fast. Way. Too. Fast. He's a doll baby with the sweetest personality and a smile to match. We all just adore this perfect little guy that has blessed our world. Our 3-yr-old is pretty amazing himself. One of the funniest kids I've ever met (and I'm not at all biased). He keeps us laughing and happy all the time. His mastery of the English language is for real. His mastery of the potty--not so much. But, we're making some great progress. I would say...75% there. He switched classes at school and it improved his behavior by a landslide so I'm guessing it was the right decision. (Although he talks about his old classmates and how much he misses them. Sad.) He's also in gymnastics and adjusting to yet another teacher telling him what he can and cannot do. Get used to it, kid.

In professional news...tonight marks the last night of work on what can only be called, one of the longest projects ever. Throw pregnancy and baby-havin' into a construction site and 6-months later you'll have a finished house. The house, however, is awesome. Our best yet to be sure. I MUST share pictures. It's insane. AND, I will be listing it as my first listing (yaaaay) so I've been spending lots of time learning my real estate ropes.

Things are cranking. Big time. We are working on moving...yet again....and getting our current house on the market. So between selling the flip, selling this house, and renovating the next, I'm thinking 2011 is going to be pretty bad-a. I'm excited for it.

Here are a few Christmas pics: (and coming up next, a post with Asher's pictures...months 2-4)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meeting Thomas

We headed to the Oklahoma Railway Museum to meet the one-and-only Thomas the Train! (Can I just say that Thomas is the most boring cartoon ever?!) We wanted to take Riley for a big-boy day of fun that had nothing to do with his little brother. (Trying to make him feel special!). It was fun and a gorgeous fall day. We followed it up with a lunch trip to Pops...yum. I will use any excuse to head to Pops. Here are some pictures of our super-cool outing:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

One month

Remember this kid?

Well here's his "little" brother in his very own one-month-old picture! How has it already been a month? Who am I kidding, he'll be six weeks old on Monday. It goes so fast...